What Fuels Your Heart?

   Your heart is fueled by Coenzyme Q10. CoQ10 is a cellular energy booster and powerful antioxidant, and it is an essential part of your body’s energy-producing process. CoQ10 is found throughout your body, but is most highly concentrated in heart muscles because of high energy demands there.
   When your heart has the high levels of CoQ10 it needs, it works like a charm. But when levels get low, your heart strains to do its job, and ultimately your entire body suffers. Suboptimal heart function can result in “mystery” illnesses such as fatigue, pain and decreases in mental functions, just to name a few.
   Loss of CoQ10 is caused by stress, illness or the use of certain medications such as statins. Statins, the very thing you take to help your heart, creates a deficiency of a very important heart health enhancer or fuel… CoQ10!

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