73 and Gardening Again

I too have had incredible results with the new Joint Health Complex. I had hurt myself in the garden just before I left to go to DC. On the Tuesday before the conference, we took a tour of Arlington National Cemetery and the Pentagon. There was an incredible amount of walking involved. By the time we managed to walk back to the service center, my knee was hurting so bad the limping was very noticeable. As a matter of fact, Kathy told me that If I didn't improve she was going to put me in a wheelchair when we arrived at the airport to go home. I iced it every night, put joint pain cream on it, took pain relief complex and did it again every morning. I was able to function for the rest of the week but it was still very painful. It just wasn't as noticeable to everyone else.

When I arrived home, I went to the chiropractor and he basically said that if what he did to it didn't help to go see a bone doctor. Well he didn't help it either, however, our new Joint Health Complex came in that week so I started taking that as well. By the end of the first week I was using less and less of the joint pain cream and I was taking fewer pain pills. By the 2nd week, I wasn't taking any joint pain cream or pain relief complex and I was finally completely pain free. It took a little longer than the 5 days - more like 2 weeks but it was terrific.

I love it. Since I am 73 you can bet I will continue to take it every single day. I have to keep my legs in decent condition so I can continue to mow the grass, dig my garden, get on my hands and knees to weed it as well!!!!!!!!!
- Joan

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