Non Bleach Whitner

I am off work until March 1st as I am switching State Farm offices. Since I have been home I have started on some spring cleaning inside. I had mixed up some Nature Bright for the laundry. I had spilled some of it in the foyer, where we have this ugly natural slate tile. Since moving here I have not found anything that keeps it clean, in fact it has never really looked clean to me and I just thought it was they way it was suppose to look. I didn't know I had spilled it until later when I saw a white dried spot on the tile. When I went to wipe it up, I was amazed at how clean and bright that area looked. So the next day, I had made a batch and got on my hands and knees and used a scrub brush on a bigger area.
I was kind of worried that it would hurt the tile but I figured if it did it would be an excuse to change it out! :) Unfortunately, it didn't hurt the tile but now it looks wonderful. Well, not enough to like it but I can deal with it because it looks so clean!
I also used it on the front of my white refrigerator. It does not have a smooth surface to it and the handles are textured on it as well that collects dirt...needless to say the fridge looks MUCH brighter too!

Shaklee needs to make a bigger bag of the Nature Bright! LOL —    Just thought I would share this with you.  LeeAnn Campaniello

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