Looking Back

    Joanne would never have guessed that her initial discovery of the Shaklee difference in her own health would launch a career that has made her one of the top Shaklee affiliates in the country.
  Joanne Nistico’s journey in Shaklee began in 1973, when she was studying to be a special education teacher. While taking a yoga class, her instructor introduced her to Shaklee products. She began using them herself and noticed an incredible improvement in her health. She became more energetic. She felt stronger. She was happier.
   Later, as a yoga instructor herself, Joanne frequently shared her passion for Shaklee products with her own students. It wasn’t long before she decided to distribute the products on a small-scale basis. Little did she know that this move would literally change her life and future direction.

“When you find something that you really believe in, all you want to do it tell others about it,” Joanne says. “Shaklee products brought me back to life again. I was always looking for someone interested in hearing my story. The rest just came together from that.” 

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