Small Steps, Big Results - “I got my life back!”

  On my 46th birthday, I had a heart attack which resulted in an emergency quintuple bypass and 13 months later I needed two stents. Over the next four years my health continued to deteriorate. I was eating better, and I was walking for the prescribed 30 minutes per day 3-4 days per week, but I was also taking a high dose of an antidepressant, 40 mg of cholesterol lowering drug, and two separate medications for high blood pressure. I was exhausted every day and on my way to work every morning my one constant thought was, "I can't wait till I get home so I can go back to bed!" I weighed 202 pounds.
  At 51, my friend told me about Shaklee. I started with Vita Lea and after two months began drinking the 180 shakes. The weight began to come off slowly at first, and my doctor explained that some of the medications I was on would make weight loss more difficult. I could tell a big difference in my energy level and outlook in general. I remembered thinking, "So, this is what it feels like to have good nutrition...." I had been taking a popular cardiac multi-vitamin ever since my heart attack, but had not felt any difference at all in my health or energy level. I spoke with my Shaklee distributor and she suggested I try the Vitalizer. This was awesome! My energy level went even higher! I started loosing more weight and I was singing on the way to work in the morning. I also noticed that I was getting out of bed without aches and pains in my feet, legs and back which was something I thought was my destiny since I was aging.
  After loosing 10 pounds, my doctor said I could try doing without one of the blood pressure medications. After a recheck 6 weeks later I was officially off of it. As I continued to loose weight my cholesterol medication was cut in half, then the second blood pressure medication was cut in half. Around this time my husband asked if he could also take the Vitalizer because he couldn't believe how happy and energetic I was and he wanted to see if it helped him too!
  It has been a year since I began my Shaklee life journey. Today I weigh 176 pounds. and at last count lost 20 total inches off of my body. I have, under my doctors supervision, weaned off of the antidepressant, and have started jogging. I can currently jog 3.5 miles and do so 3-4 times per week. I can look down and see parts of my body I haven't seen in years! I can't ever remember feeling this good. I'm happy, energized and confident.
Shaklee literally gave me my life back. It didn't happen over night, and I was in very poor health. But, it is true what they say, "Small steps lead to big results.”
- Dale Baker

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