My Amazing Shaklee Story

 There I was straight out of college starting my career in retail management. There was nothing standing in my way of success, and nothing could slow me down...or so I thought! Then, the pain began -- doctor visits and pain meds that didn't touch my pain, and finally the diagnosis!
 The doctor suspected that I had lupus. She said that while it was not a "death sentence" it was an extremely volatile disease that could lead to disability. I tried to stifle the lump in my throat from emerging and a few tears slid down my face. How could this happen?! I was only 24 years old! There were no answers to be found. Well fast forward through about a year of appoint-ments, various medications, and still no answers. To my surprise, I found myself pregnant. I quickly found that work without pain meds was nothing short of impossible for me. After stopping all my medications, I lasted a week or two at most before I had to resign from work.
 The doctor flat out told me it could KILL me to carry a child. And with the loss of my job came the onslaught of all these emotions and worries. I worried if the baby would be okay, if my hubby would get sick of taking care of me and I was overwhelmed by grief over the loss of the future I had envisioned for myself.    Well, the doctor was wrong. Not only did I survive the long months of pregnancy, but I gave birth to a perfectly beautiful baby girl. And when she was born so was a new hope inside of me. I knew I had to fight this disease to the best of my ability so that I could be the mom that she deserved! Six weeks later, I was settling quite nicely into life with my new soul mate. And, BAM! My lupus was back with a vengeance, and I quickly spiraled into the worst lupus flare of my life. For me this meant spending days doing nothing but laying in bed, sleeping, eating, feeding my baby, and taking quick trips to the bathroom. I was miserable!
  Back to the doctor ... more tests. The diagnosis; lupus and fibromyalgia. More medication meant no more breastfeeding - something that I had come to truly love sharing with my sweet baby girl. We transitioned to bottles and I began taking steroids, Plaquenil, and a pain medication in addition to many other pills. I struggled everyday to endure the emotional strife in addition to all the pain, fatigue, insomnia, muscle spasms, nausea, widespread hives, and mental fog that took over my life.
  I started seeking additional help to lessen the symptoms ... chronic pain counseling, physical therapy, new drugs, changes to my diet and home environment. In the process of finding a laundry product that would stop exacer-bating my hives, I discovered that not only did all my products have nasty, TOXIC chemicals like formaldehyde in them, but so did all my baby's trusted Johnson & Johnson products!
 One day, a Face book friend of mine unknowingly answered my prayers when she posted about how much she loved her all natural Shaklee brand cleaners.      After doing a bit of research, we decided it was worth a try! Not only were
the cleaners all natural and toxin free, but the $30 bottle (Basic H2) was a good bargain too! This one bottle could clean everything in my house, and would last us a few years!! Within a week my hives came less and less frequently. I had spent the last year and a half itchy every single day! I was pretty impressed!

  I was getting better at managing my illness, but it still consumed my life. I was filing for permanent disability, and I came to accept that my ability would lessen as my illness progressed. HOWEVER after hearing great things about Vivix (including how it had helped my friend with infertility and her husband with hair loss), I decided to give it a try! A short time later, I went back to my rheumatologist to have some more blood work done and had a new med prescribed. Afterwards, I drove home in so much pain! I just knew these tests would show the same findings as the tests taken three months prior -- that I was a mess! Two weeks later I went back to review the results. I was happy to report to the Dr. that the steroids (the same one I had been prescribed countless times before) had worked much better than I had expected. Within two days I felt like a completely different person! When I told my doctor this she crinkled her face, confused. She said, "Well, your tests results came back". I braced myself. "The tests show no signs of lupus. You are in remission”.
  This is NOT possible! I had been feeling better, but that was just because of the new meds...or so I thought. This doesn't just happen so abruptly out of nowhere! I was shocked!
  I began examining every aspect of my life and the timeline of changes I had made to my diet, habits, home, etc. The only factor I can attribute the sudden change in my immune system activity was the Vivix! Once I came to this realization, I started reading through comments I found in the results Google had compiled when I searched for 'lupus and Vivix'. I found other people who had had almost the same experience! I was amazed to find so many people healed by this awesome supplement!
  I was so thrilled with the results I found with Shaklee that I decided to start my own Shaklee business. I am so eager to share these products with others, and I hope by doing so I can help transform others' lives as well! I could not be more thankful to be in remission! I absolutely would have never guessed that I would ever live a day without pain. I definitely would have never thought that simply trying a few products would lead me to recovery so quickly... but here I am!
  So, the real question is... What can Shaklee do for you? You'll never know unless you try!
- Trish

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