PARKINSON’S DISEASE - making a difference

PARKINSON’S DISEASE: In 2003 Chuck was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease – a progressive neurological disorder with no known cure. Chuck is 78 and has been on various Shaklee supplements since 2001, however, we have seen the most change since starting Vivix August 2008. The improvements became noticeable within 2 months of starting Vivix. Before Vivix, our goal was to keep him as healthy as possible so his body only needed to deal with Parkinson's. Since Vivix, our goal has changed to improving his DNA and reduces his medications!
My report to you is that little things are happening. And it is the little things in life that mean the most! He’s back to:
1.   laughing, smiling and making jokes,
2.   participating in conversations at family gatherings,
3.   whistling and singing silly songs,
4.   standing straighter when he hugs me,
5.   he’s just more engaged in life –
6.   and the best of all – when you look into his eyes, his lights are back on!

Is Vivix making a difference in Chuck’s health and in our
hope for him? You bet it is!                      Paula Pursley

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