
Six months after our wedding Scott and I decided to start our family. What was expected to be a simple goal became our most difficult life challenge. The next seven years were filled with tests, procedures, surgeries and disappointment. Finally we were blessed with a pregnancy using in vitro fertilization. Miranda changed our lives dramatically.
We BOTH began supplementing with Shaklee's Vita-Lea, B-Complex, Vita-C, Vita-E, Zinc and Energizing Protein. We also made a few dietary changes: no dairy, organic when possible and hormone-free meat. When Miranda was 21 months old I learned I was pregnant again. Oh Happy Day!
This pregnancy only required feeding our bodies the necessary nutrition to do what bodies are in-tended to do-conceive and grow a healthy baby. I had a terrific pregnancy, no nausea or complications. Kellen, now 3 1/2, is the healthiest, happiest boy I know. Both children use Shaklee nutrition and have never needed medication or antibiotics. The average child goes to the doctor 15 times a year! Shaklee keeps my children healthy and "drug free." I believe the years of heartache and medical procedures could have been avoided with the simple, easy addition of Shaklee to our diets and our lives. 
–B. Leschke

Shirley Fike, RN, has recommended the following for a young couple who desires to conceive: At each meal, each should take 1 Tbsp. Protein, and 1-2 tabs of each of the following: Vita-Lea; Vita E, Vita C, Zinc. She says it has never failed in 23 years!

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