Doctor Endorses MindWorks instead of Medication

In 2006, budding artist, Matthew Kurz was blinded by the sun while driving to school and rear ended
a school bus. This accident would forever change his life. Matthew, suffered a traumatic brain injury. Following the accident, he was unable to walk, talk or create art. In spite of a lengthy time spent in a coma and an ongoing recovery time, his mother, a Shaklee Distributor, has continued to provide him with abundant supplements and Shaklee proteins. At present, Matthew writes in cursive, walks some, talks softly and jokes with others, rides a horse named Frito for therapy and attends an art class at State Fair Community College. In his mother's own words, she says: "Matthew is doing beyond great... 2 weeks ago he walked 2 steps with no cane or help. Two months ago his Dr. said to only use Shaklee MindWorks (instead of the medications he was taking.) With MindWorks, his short term memory showed a greater improvement than the medical prescription he was using. Amazing! 

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