Product Highlight ~ Herb Lax

There are so many people who think it is normal to eliminate every other day or three days.  Think about how terrible it is for your health.  This is not like a regular laxative.  After 35 years I can use or not as I did not have an issue before using. During our backorder times I have noticed a grogginess in my brain.   It is an amazing product to help detoxify.  Besides all we eat, we also breath, and drink toxins.  

Herb Lax
In the Shaklee product guide, it says Herb Lax is for occasional irregularity…well it actually is SO much more than that.  A Shaklee Signature Formula originally developed by Dr. Shaklee to encourage a mild cleansing action to aid the body’s natural process.  It not only helps cleanse the colon, it also cleanses and detoxifies the liver, lymph glands, tissues, bloodstream along with the entire digestive tract!  It also nourishes, strengthens and ‘retrains’  the colon.
Over 90% of degenerative disease conditions can be related directly to the stagnant, fermenting condition within the bowels and related organs.  This doesn’t necessarily correspond to actual known constipation.  A person can move their bowels every day and still have dead cells, decaying food, poisonous chemicals, parasites, pus, mucus, etc; all of which contribute to the circulation of toxins throughout the whole body and contributing to an endless chain of disease.
The body’s response to starting on a nutritional supplementation program can be to start releasing stored toxins from the cells which in turn can show up in symptoms of nausea, weakness, headaches, rashes, and tiredness.  To prevent this from happening, Dr Shaklee created Herb-Lax.  It’s a combination of 9 herbs that help detoxify the body.  If there is a build up of waste material in the colon, nutrients cannot be absorbed properly.

What issues can Herb-Lax help with: gastrointestinal problems, relieves constipation, helpful for diarrhea, regulates bowels, cleanses and detoxifies,  helps acne, helps headaches, promotes a healthy liver, moves bile from liver into colon causing stools to be softer and easier to eliminate, reduces body odor, improves bad breath, relieves hemorrhoids, relieves boils, digestive complaints such as flatulence, bloating, pain, etc, removes toxic substances from bowel preventing reabsorption, preventative measure against bowel disease, aging and other disease processes.
What can I expect from starting on Herb-Lax: People using Herb-Lax for the first time get different results.  Some say they don’t notice any difference except the bowel movement is larger.  Others have experienced diarrhea.  They often mistakenly assume that this means their bowels are working too well and they stop using Herb-Lax.  Actually, diarrhea is a severe form of constipation. The loosening of what’s on the walls of the intestines gives the colon so much work to do that a ‘pile-up’ prevents the fecal matter from moving on out…all that gets through is liquids…actually more Herb-Lax is needed to soften the waste along with lots of water to wash it out.  Some people say they can not believe how much was built up inside of them. Cause they just go and go.  It is hard to say how many Herb-Lax a person should use.  Try starting out with 2 at night and regulate how many to take that will produce 2 to 3 soft, easy bowel movements daily…yes I said 2 to 3 bowel movements a day.   Those who are faithful in using Herb-Lax for internal cleanliness will get surprisingly good side effects as the days, weeks and months go by; including a better complexion, less headaches, less bad breath, little odor during bowel movements, plus more energy and clearer thinking. 
# 20144   60 tablets/15 servings  MP $6.90
# 20141  240 tablets/60 servings  MP $21.70

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