Migraine Testimony

 My name is Kimberly Davis. I have suffered from migraine headaches for around 5 years.

They started out as an occasional headache but over the years progressed to about 8 to 10 a month. I would take Excedrin Migraine to try to deal with the pain but would usually have to go to bed for the day to ease the pain.  I was prescribed the pain medication LORATAB® to knock out the pain.  They usually eased the pain but would knock me out to the point that I could not function properly.

I finally was referred to a neurologist to try to find out the root of the problem. I was eventually diagnosed with Hemaplegic Migraines.  Basically it was like my body would have a stroke with a migraine.The doctor urged me to try vitamin B and magnesium and gave me a prescription for a migraine medicine named IMITREX®. I tried the vitamins recommended off the shelf of the local drug store to no avail. They seemed to have no effect at all. The IMITREX® was the next shot at stopping the problem.  They helped stop the migraine but would make me sick and would cause pain in my arms. The neurologist then added TOPAMAX® to my prescriptions to try to cut the frequency of attacks down. TOPAMAX® is an extremely powerful prescription with many listed side effects.

At first, I had no problems with it that I knew of, but my husband and close friend noticed changes. They knew that something wasn’t right. These were my side effects: memory loss, speech problems, menstrual problems, and confusion. I would be in mid conversation and totally forget what I was talking about. The medicine was making me literally crazy! One day, with my children in the car, I ran into the house to grab something and left my car in drive!  Needless to say, God watched over my children and me. No injuries and minor damage to the garage wall. This was the final straw that changed my way of thinking. I was taking 200mg of TOPAMAX® a day and had to be weaned off of it due to the potency of the drug withdrawals which for me included mild depression.
I heard of Shaklee through a friend of mine but did not place it as a potential cure for the migraines. I went to Shaklee to try to help my Dad, but in the process I decided I would try it for myself. My doctor wanted me to get on another prescription drug but instead I started a vitamin regimen from Shaklee. I now take the following Shaklee Supplements everyday: Shaklee Basics®, Energizing Soy Protein, GLA Complex, VitalMag™, Alfalfa, B-Complex, OsteoMatrix®, and OmegaGuard™. I haven’t had any true migraines since I
started the vitamins over two months ago. Needless to say the prescriptions are where they need to be. . .  at the drug store!  Ironically, the vitamins that I am taking include the original recommendations from the neurologist. There is a difference in quality in Shaklee!
 I have since started in Shaklee to help others because I know the relief of being pain and drug free and if it can work for me it will work for others. 
Kimberly M. Davis

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