Lipitor- Thief of Memory

Lipitor- Thief of Memory
There is a good book out called Lipitor- Thief of Memory.  It is written by Duane Graveline, M.D. he is an M.D. and a former astronaut, and an aerospace medical research scientist.  This man has the credentials.
He has written a book about his experience with taking Lipitor, because he was an astronaut and his cholesterol was elevated the NASA doctors prescribed him Lipitor.  He is a medical doctor, he wants to do what is best and so he took it.  But then  he had amnesia, standing in his front yard and didn't know where he was.
It is called transient amnesia.  My father experienced it a couple of times as well after being put on lipitor.
That's how I got interested in it.

He describes the method of action of Lipitor, it blocks an enzyme that keeps our body from producing cholesterol.  That sounds good in theory but our brain is mostly cholesterol and when the enzyme is blocked for the glial cells in the brain to make cholesterol,  we can have problems.  There are probably more people suffering with dementia related to lipitor than we realize.  If someone is 50 a doctor is going to probably tell someone a little memory loss is normal and won't connect it to the medication.
If you are 70  I don't feel there is any way most doctors  would connect lipitor to memory loss.  They think you are aging and that is just the way you are aging. 

WE know about the muscle aches that can come with lipitor use and that is a very good reason to stop the medication.  Doctors know to warn the patients of that side effect.  A prudent doctor prescribing lipitor will  have the patient's liver enzymes checked every 6 months to make sure their liver isn't dying from the medication. 

WE know we can reverse high cholesterol with other lifestyle measures.  Increase fiber to absorb cholesterol, that doesn't block the production of good cholesterol in your brain.  Increase intake of vegetables so you are getting more plant sterols and stanols. 
But the easiest way to get those is to take Shaklee's Cholesterol Reduction Complex. 
Then excercise.   A person has to decide for themself  what is their good health worth.

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