In the Beginning

The following quote is the sequence of how to make things happen. The most interesting words in this for me is the final sentence....The beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination." Think back when you were a young boy or girl and try to recall how you used your imagination. I know that I used to imagine I played for the Brooklyn Dodgers baseball team.....then in the winter I imagined I was Bob Cousy who played for the Boston Celtics.....this is a clue to my age isn't it....Ho Ho!

"First comes thought; then organization of that thought, into ideas

and plans; then transformation of those plans into reality. The

beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination."

Napoleon Hill:

I did the same thing when I got into the Shaklee business. After a few months I started to imagine being a Shaklee Master Coordinator. I thought of it every day for about 8 years. Here is what I told myself over and over and over and over......"I'm not willing to NOT BE a Master Coordinator." I imagined being there and having a terrific Shaklee business......I wanted what Shaklee offered and was willing to do whatever it took.

The key factor that I have learned over the years is I kept imagining and creating future results in advance. I've always enjoyed being a's fun and doesn't cost a penny.

Do you use your imagination? Hopefully you will say "Yes" to that. Remember want to ALWAYS use your imagination for the positive. What are you imagining today about your future? Gary Burke

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