There are so many things that    effect the thyroid gland, protein,    minerals, stress, allergies, viral  damage, chemical toxicity,  radioactive exposure and the list  goes on. Certainly some soy  products fall into this list especially  Textured Soy Protein (meat  substitute). Again I have to defer  to Shaklee's process for isolating  the protein, an enzymatic  digestion step in the processing deactivates the "anti-tyrosine" compounds found in RAW soy eliminating any potential risk. Growth & thyroid function are not inhibited by consuming Shaklee's soy protein; the pro-goitrogenic factors are removed; tyrosine levels are NOT effected.

   Personally I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism about nine years ago, I'd never knowingly had soy protein in my life. I started taking the prescribed synthetic thyroxin and was told that I would be taking it for life. Fast forward four years, I decided that I was not going to be dependent on the drug companies for my wellness and I stopped taking the drug. Well my thyroid levels shot up, I had less energy and started gaining weight (I was already over weight). This was about the time that Linda found Shaklee so I decided to see what I could do about this condition naturally. I started by replacing my usual breakfast with a Shaklee protein shake and I started taking a product they call Stress Relief Complex, Dr. Richard Brouse told me that the two products would most likely stabilize my thyroid problem. About 9 months after starting this regiment I had my blood tested and low and behold my thyroid levels were the same as they were when I was on the drug. I've been on this regiment for almost 5 years now, getting my blood tested every April, and my thyroid levels have remained right where they should be. I have to admit that there have been a few side effects from taking the Shaklee products instead of the drug. I have more energy, I sleep better and Linda says I'm less grouchy. Oh and thanks to the Shaklee 180 Turnaround program I've lost 60 pounds and my BMI is 23. 

Be the Change!

- Steve Bennett 

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