Energy for Elderly

ELDERLY: We currently have about 12 people on Vivix at my parent's retirement community. My dad is our poster boy for Vivix! He has been on it for almost four months and while he is ninety and has quite a few issues, he is doing a LOT better. The most noticeable so far is more energy and alertness. His financial advisor wanted to speak with my mom to ask her what had happened with him. He is much more engaged in conversations now and even danced at the Valentines party last week! Before Vivix, he was married to his walker. Now that his balance is better, he is able to use his cane unless he has a long walk somewhere. Previously, we did not want him to use his cane for fear of falling. Dad is on Coumadin and we noticed that he does not have the bruising he had before.
We have another man in his mid eighties, who, after his third box of Vivix, can walk a few blocks to the Bistro without having to stop to catch his breath. His goal is to walk 5 miles a day by June. After being on Vivix for a month or so, we noticed that he has developed a healthy “rosy” complexion.            Dale Hatchel

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