Seizures - Five Years And Finally Gone

I was in a car accident five years ago when a school bus hit me and I suffered a severe whiplash.   I thought I would be OK after recovering from the injury, but months later I started to develop grand mall seizures and they developed into 5 or 6  seizures a day and sometimes up to 10 or 12 a day.  Needless to say this was very debillating and i was completely homebound, as my family was afraid to have me go out  or to be alone as I never knew when they would occur.

I was told that sometimes seizures can occur months later after a severe whiplash injury,  and the doctors tried every procedure and drug  that was recommended for seizures, but nothing worked.  After going thru about $50,000 on everything they knew of over the last five years, we didn't know where to turn.

Last spring, my son's girlfriend Amy told me about Shaklee supplements and Vivix, and how it was helping a lot of health problems, & she referred me to Dolores Mauk and after talking to her I decided to try them, as I felt I had nothing to lose. 

I started on Vivix twice a day and a strip of Vitalizer a day along with the following supplements of 2  B-Complex, 2 Lecithin, 2 Osteomatrix Calcium, & 2 Zinc three times a day, and within a month they were almost gone.  I would only get one when I was under a lot of stress, so I added the Stress Relief Complex and the Cinch Shake Mix, which I love.

I was still having mini seizures where I would stare for about a minute. but my husband and I felt we could  live with those because I could at least leave the house.

When I went to my doctor's appointment, I told him what I had been doing and he was very happy for me and told me to keep taking the Shaklee supplements and he gradually has taken me off almost all my over seven medications. 

I was feeling so good that I was up on a ladder painting and I fell and hurt my wrist and back so I started taking Vivix a third time a day to help my back and lo and behold, my mini seizures went completely away.  It has now been over four months, and no seizures of either kind and my doctor told me if I contiued to not have any seizures for a year, he would let me drive again.

I was so excited I put a picture of a convertible up on my refrigerator. I have been watching DVD's to evaluate so I could get Free products to help me afford what I need to take, and I have learned so much that I want to share these wonderful products with all my family and friends.   I am very grateful for Shaklee and especially Vivix  as I don't know where I would be without it.

Nicole Ady

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