Be your Best

What is one of the easiest way to feel bad? Compare yourself to someone who had done more or better than your self. It is the best way to guarantee you to stop in your tracks. We so often compare ourselves to others that have done better than us and when we do that we are only hurting ourselves. We don't think we are any good, or that we will never make it and it completely takes off the road we were on, that if we kept it up we would be closer to where we were going.

So I would like to caution you to compare, just keep your eyes on your own goals, not other peoples goals, and keep doing the small things or big things that got you to where you are today.

Think about anyone who is playing sports, if their focus was on why the other team or their opponent was always doing they would probably miss every shot they made. No one is making your shots!! ONLY YOU!

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