One of my children has been struggling in Kindergarten, to the point that I even started chatting with the teacher about holding him back next year. He was tested and only knew 4 letters of the alphabet, his teachers discussed concern about his ability to stay focused and to comprehend basic questions that were asked of him. As a former teacher I had also noticed a lot of ADD/ADHD tendencies so I decided to get him on a more strict supplement plan along with a variety of activities to help progress his learning.
Today, just a month after our parent/teacher conference, his teacher reassessed him and he knows 23 letters out of the alphabet and she said that she's noticed that he's actually answering comprehension questions SPOT ON!!! She was amazed with his progress and asked if we had been doing anything new. I just so happened to have a catalog with me and told her I actually started him on more omegas & protein based on the research shown to help students with ADD/ADHD. She asked if I could bring her a catalog tomorrow because she's interested in it for her own children and she was so impressed with how much growth he's had in such a short time!
So thankful for this company & how it's changing our lives and those around us!!!
   Sandy D

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