By Carolyn Brown, MS, RD
You’ve probably heard the term “Probiotics” tossed around recently on labels and in the news. I swear by them and recommend them to many clients. People tend to think of bacteria as something to get ride of, but actually a huge amount of the bacteria in your body are the good guys, in face your gut is home to over 500 bacterial species or Probiotics. And a lot of the times, if you take antibiotics or just generally have a pretty processed diet, many of these good guys get wiped out.
Here’s the “good bacteria” 101:
1. Probiotics help with digestion and help break down nutrients. So if you have any tummy issues, whether chronic or acute, Probiotics can help.
2. They are also major immune boosters. The more Probiotics in your belly and along your digestive tract, the harder it is for the bad bacteria and viruses to get in. Probiotics also make a compound called bacteriocins which researchers think may quash harmful bacteria.
3. Research is showing that Probiotics may benefit everything from GI issues from constipations and diarrhea to IBS to ulcerative colitis and Chron’s, as well as mood disorders and depression. When I’m feeling off, whether from traveling or a little too much fun, I make sure that Probiotic is getting in my supplement regimen daily.
Find powerful Probiotics in Shaklee’s “Optiflora” and the “Life Energizing Shakes”
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