Are you Willing to do What Others are Not?

Are you Willing to do What Others are Not?
So often when you hear the question are you willing to do what others are not, you might think... why should I do what no one else is willing to do?  The answer is that you want what others want too, BUT you are willing to do what others are not willing to do, then you will have a live that others don't have.  It does not matter what it is, many people what things but won't do what is necessary to get them.  In fact if you are the willing one you are in the top 10% of our country.  

There are so many things people want in life and the question always is how badly do you want what you say you want?  The next questions is what are you willing to do to get what you want?  We must change our behavior to do what won't.  What are some behaviors your are willing to do?

First Decide what it is that you want then get a plan and DO IT.

10-point checklist to promote a healthy heart

10-point checklist to promote a healthy heart
Here are 10 simple tips to help you promote a strong and healthy heart.
1.    Make your plate colorful! One of the best weapons for keeping your heart healthy is an antioxidant-rich diet. To get those antioxidants, try eating at least five to seven servings of fruits and veggies every day. Try adding at least three bright-colored foods to your plate at each meal.
2.    Lose weight —for your waistline and your heart! Excess weight, especially fat around your tummy (abdominal fat) has been linked to poor heart health. Losing just 5%–10% of your body weight can make a big difference—and many studies have shown you can also significantly lower your risk of heart problems by losing inches around your middle.
3.    Boost your vitamin D intake. Many of us worshipped the sun in our younger years, but we all need to be smart about decreasing time in the sun and using sunscreen. While those are good choices to make for skin cancer prevention, limiting sun exposure increases your risk of having lower levels of the Vitamin D your heart and bones need. Recent research confirms that a majority of Americans may have suboptimal levels of vitamin D—don’t be one of them! Look for a multivitamin that contains at least 800-1000 IU Vitamin D. Research confirms that many folks may even need more than 1000 IUs, especially if you are overweight, older than 60, spend a lot of time indoors, or are darker-skinned.
4.    Eat salmon or other omega-3-rich fish at least two to three times per week. Omega-3 fatty acids are important for heart health. Besides salmon, halibut and mackerel are good sources of omega-3 fatty acids. If you don’t like fish, don’t worry. Research is quite strong showing that fish oil supplements are also heart healthy.
5.    Consider taking a CoQ10 supplement. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a vitamin-like substance vital for energy production, especially in your heart. The body makes its own CoQ10, but factors such as aging, poor diet, and exposure to pollution and other chemicals may increase your need for this nutrient. If you are using a statin drug, be sure to talk to your physician about taking a CoQ10 supplement.
6.    Add Phytosterols. Phytosterols, also known as plant sterols, are a group of naturally occurring compounds found in most plants. We don’t actually know how many plant sterols there are (certainly over 40), but the most important ones appear to be beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol, and campesterol. The plant sterols look very similar to cholesterol, but actually block cholesterol absorption from the digestive tract.†
7.    Move more—at least two and a half hours every week. Regular physical activity promotes a healthy heart. So, get out there and MOVE! The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests that you should exercise at least 2 and a half hours every week. You don’t have to do it all at once, 10-15 minutes at a time works just as well. Walk the dog, play basketball with your kids. Try yoga or Pilates. If you’re going to the gym, be sure to get in least 45 minutes of cardio on the stationary bike, Stairmaster® or elliptical machine and 15-30 minutes of weight training.
8.    If you smoke, get help to stop—starting today! Cigarette smoke is strongly linked to heart and blood-vessel damage. Find a short-term reason to stop—saving money or having better-smelling breath, perhaps? We know smoking ages your skin—and you certainly don’t want any extra wrinkles, right?
9.    Get your regular health screenings If you are over 40, it is recommended that you have a physical exam every two years; if you are over 50, you should have one annually. Make your appointment today!
10. Sidestep Stress. Over time, chronic stress wreaks havoc on our bodies—slowing digestion, weakening immune function, and is bad for the heart. There are many ways to reduce stress including exercise, meditation, getting away from computers and cell phones, and just simply laughing more.
Your heart health depends a lot on the choices you make every day. There is much that is within YOUR control! Here’s to your healthier heart!

†Products providing 400 mg of plant sterols and stanols, consumed twice a day with meals for a daily total intake of at least 800 mg, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease.
From Shaklee Blog

The power of omega-3s

Heart Health Month - Take Care of Your Heart

The power of omega-3s (OmegaGuard)

Everyone seems to be talking about the benefits of consuming fish oil, so let’s spend a few moments to learn just what it is in fish oil that provides these benefits. Fish oil is one of the best sources of omega-3 essential fatty acids, particularly EPA and DHA. Omega-3s provide benefits for people at every stage of life, but statistics show that even the most healthy lifestyles may be lacking in this essential nutrient. Omega-3s are considered so important because of their contribution to overall health. Much like certain vitamins and minerals, we cannot generally produce adequate amounts of omega-3s on our own. Because many folks don’t like or have access to wild-caught fatty fish such as salmon or mackerel, supplementation with a top-quality fish oil supplement is important. The American Heart Association recommends that healthy adults who don’t eat fish should supplement with about 1 gram per day of an omega-3 product.

The cardiovascular benefits
There is more scientific evidence behind the cardiovascular benefits of fish oil than any other omega-3 supplement. Studies have linked EPA and DHA consumption with improved heart health and a multitude of cardiovascular benefits, all of which may help reduce the risk of heart disease.*
  • Helps retain normal blood pressure
  • Helps retain healthy triglyceride levels
  • Supports healthy LDL cholesterol levels
  • Supports a healthy inflammatory response
  • Helps maintain a healthy heart rhythm

Other benefits of omega-3s
Did you know that the benefits of omega-3s go far beyond the heart? Extensive research has focused on health benefits of EPA and DHA and has come to some interesting conclusions.
Brain: The relationship between adequate omega-3 intake and brain health has been the subject of much research. EPA and DHA, the omega-3 essential fatty acids in fish oil, are particularly concentrated in the brain—an organ composed of nearly 60% fat—and the nervous system, where they provide necessary building blocks for healthy cells and tissue. The cerebral cortex, which is responsible for memory and attention, is composed of around 20% DHA. EPA and DHA have been studied for their effects on mood,1 cognition, memory, learning, and attention.2
Joint Health: EPA and DHA have been studied for many different joint conditions and may help promote joint mobility and flexibility and also help reduce stiffness, swelling, and pain.3, 4
Pregnancy: The importance of EPA and DHA for normal infant development cannot be overstated. The essential fatty acids help with normal brain, eye, and nervous system development.5
Skin and Nails: Essential fatty acids are important for skin health and may help for a variety of conditions, including inflammatory conditions of the skin.6
Lean Body Mass: Athletes and those looking to maintain muscle mass may want to consider supplementing with fish oil. A recent study has suggested that there is a relationship between lean body mass (muscle mass) and the amount of EPA/DHA in the body.7
Immune System: While the impact of omega-3 oils on the immune system is just now beginning to be investigated, it appears that EPA and DHA may increase B-cell functioning,8 and may help enhance other areas of the immune system.9

From Shaklee.

1Giles GE, Mahoney CR, Kanarek RB. Omega-3 fatty acids influence mood in healthy and depressed individuals. Nutr Rev. 2013 Nov;71(11):727-41. PMID: 24447198.
2Uauy R, Dangour AD. Nutrition in brain development and aging: role of essential fatty acids. Nutr Rev. 2006 May;64(5 Pt 2):S24-33; discussion S72-91. PMID: 16770950.
3Lopez HL. Nutritional interventions to prevent and treat osteoarthritis. Part I: focus on fatty acids and macronutrients. PM R. 2012 May;4(5 Suppl):S145-54. PMID: 22632694.
4Miles EA, Calder PC. Influence of marine n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on immune function and a systematic review of their effects on clinical outcomes in rheumatoid arthritis. Br J Nutr. 2012 Jun;107 Suppl 2:S171-84. PMID: 22591891.
5Rogers LK, Valentine CJ, Keim SA. DHA supplementation: current implications in pregnancy and childhood. Pharmacol Res. 2013 Apr;70(1):13-9. PubMed PMID: 23266567.
6Nicolaou A. Eicosanoids in skin inflammation. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids. 2013 Jan;88(1):131-8. PMID: 22521864.
7McDonald C, Bauer J, Capra S. Omega-3 fatty acids and changes in LBM: alone or in synergy for better muscle health? Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 2013 Jun;91(6):459-68. PMID: 23746140.
8Gurzell EA, Teague H, Harris M, Clinthorne J, Shaikh SR, Fenton JI. DHA-enriched fish oil targets B cell lipid microdomains and enhances ex vivo and in vivo B cell function. J Leukoc Biol. 2013 Apr;93(4):463-70. PMID: 23180828.
9Calder PC. n-3 fatty acids, inflammation and immunity: new mechanisms to explain old actions. Proc Nutr Soc. 2013 Aug;72(3):326-36. PMID: 23668691.

*Supportive but not conclusive research shows that consumption of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.