KTS (Klippel Trenauanay Syndrome)

From a Dear Friend of Mind... You never really know the whole story. I had never heard of this.  Hopefully this can change someones life.

For some reason I have felt compelled to share a little about my story lately. I think most people view me as a Personal Trainer, instructor, fitness person, etc. and don't realize that I struggle with health issues. Most people do not know (and I don't share this often), that I have health struggles just like many of you. 

I was born with a very rare circulatory condition called KTS (Klippel Trenauanay Syndrome). When I was born it looked like I was burnt from my neck down on my left side and many varicosities in my left leg. Doctors had a hard time diagnosing it, and at 6 months old at U of M they were able to determine what it was. As you can see my entire left side is smaller than my right. My left arm and leg are 1 1/2 inches smaller than my right, and even the circumference of my arm/leg/hip, etc. is smaller on my left side. Unfortunately my left leg looks much bigger due to the blood pooling which causes swelling and reduces circulation. When I was younger I worked hard to hide my condition, but as I get older, I realize maybe my story could help someone. I would watch myself in the mirror and train my gait (walking) to be straight, when I stand I shift my weight so you can't see my hips are off, etc. 

Despite what doctors have told me, which many doctors have given false advice and could have steered me in the wrong direction, I made the choice at a young age to beat this. I am very active, have 4 amazing kids (which having kids was risky due to blood clotting issues), I have never been on any medications (thanks to Shaklee), and do not use this as an excuse to not do anything or have anyone feel sorry for me. 

We need to be thankful for whatever God has given to us and realize that no matter what the obstacle or challenge is that we face, persevering through will only make us stronger in the long run. So, let's make everyday amazing! I hope by sharing this that it may help someone, and somehow I can motivate you through this new year and in the future.
 Amanda V. *Sorry, not the best picture quality.

5 Rules for Getting the Most out of your Exercise Routine

              5 Rules for Getting the Most out of your                  Exercise Routine

The sheer amount of scientific evidence behind the health benefits of exercise is staggering.
Studies show that exercise can help you control your blood sugar, lose (or maintain) weight, improve your mood, reduce nervousness, and lower your risk for many common chronic diseases. Your bones, your brains, and your heart all greatly benefit from good exercise.
Lean Body Mass
The amount of muscle you have on your body is called your lean body mass. One of the most visible outcomes from exercise is also one of the most beneficial to your health – an increase in lean body mass and reduction in body fat. The health benefits associated with increased lean body mass are many.
An increase in lean body mass leads to an increase in your metabolism. This increased metabolism means that it is easier to lose weight and to maintain a healthy weight. A healthy weight is associated with a decrease in many chronic diseases and is associated with a healthy heart.
An increased lean body mass burns more calories, not only when you exercise, but 24 hours a day. That is, you burn more calories, even when you are sitting still, doing nothing.
There are two necessary components to building lean body mass: resistance exercise and good nutrition.
Getting the Most out of Exercise
It is clear that exercise is good for you, but you might also want to understand how to get the most bang for your exercise buck by incorporating better nutrition along with your exercise program.
Try these tips to get the most out of your exercise:
  • Stay consistent: Exercise should be a lifetime pursuit. Choose exercises that you enjoy and can stay with your entire life. Golf and tennis, in particular, are social and you can do them your entire life. Swimming, walking, and biking are also good choices.
  • Exercise enough: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests that you should exercise at least 2 and a half hours every week. You don’t have to do it all at once, 10-15 minutes at a time works just as well.
  • Increase your heart rate: It is important that you choose an exercise that increases your heart rate. This type of exercise (cardiovascular or aerobic exercise) increases oxygen and nutrient delivery throughout your body.
  • Lift weights: Resistance exercise is great because it helps to build lean body mass as well as helps support bone mass as we age.
  • Supplement properly: Exercise increases the body’s need for nutrients. A good multivitamin is always a good place to start. In order to build good muscle mass, adequate protein intake is necessary. Look for a product that contains extra branch-chained amino acids, especially Leucine.

Remember to start slow and build slow. Make it a habit to exercise. Your body loves to move around; sitting much of the day is a new thing. Move more, have fun and play often!

Live with Intention

Last night I was on Live web meeting and in the background were these words on a plaque. I saw this and thought how many live our lives as this thought. It is what most of us are afraid to do. So often we all dream but what do we do about those dreams. Do we let life get in the way and say there is no way I could possible do that. Or do we say I can and give it all we have so we can live that life that we dream of.
I know it is a process as that is the way I was for so many years. Maybe because of something that is going on in your personal life, maybe from something from your past. Remember today is the day to make changes in your life and no one else can make those changes for you. Only you and your decision!!

Until you decide to change life continues as it always was and we will not have that life of freedom. I didn't believe it was possible because of old thinking. Many times as I think where would I be today if I had not changed my thinking.
Ask yourself How do I want to Be or Feel? What are the important tasks that must be done for me to live that life? What am I thankful for? etc.
Life the live you have always dreamed of and do it with gusto.
PM me if you would like to have that life.