Success with Enfuselle Acne Treatment
I have been using Enfuselle Skin care— including Acne Clarifying Complex —and following the directions precisely. The difference in the acne and blotches on my face is incredible! I always thought that their was nothing that could change it. I tried prescriptions that doctors and dermatologists even highly recommended and none of them worked half as good! My face used to be full of blotches and ugly scars from acne, now it's almost 100% clear! It took me about 4-6 weeks without missing days. Day and night. It was something I actually looked forward to doing because I knew that it was improving my skin. Little by little, I saw changes. Within 2 weeks I saw less and less acne showing up. I love this stuff! I now walk around school and in public with my face held high knowing someone will glance over at me. I have never been successful with Acne treatment I have used until now and wanted you to know how much it has helped me and how great it works!! Thanks so Much!!!!
Kristin, 14