Cholesterol from 300 or 400 to 160

A month ago, Elie Chamoun, started taking Rx for a Healthier Life.
(Vitalizer, Vivix, Cinch Shake and Nutriferon)

He just shared with me that he is…
· Sleeping much better
· Not tired anymore by 8:30 at night
· Not sick after being around a number of persons who were.
And he's had a great report he had from his doctor on his blood work. Elie's family has a history of high cholesterol. He has not been able to get his below 300 for 7 years—sometimes being as high as 400.
He said he has not changed anything in his diet or lifestyle but his cholesterol this time was 160!

The Statistice Are Alarming

30% of American children are overweightUp to 20% of American children are labeled with ADDKids spend 34% more time on prescription drugs today than 5 years agoPhysicians are now urged to begin screening children for high blood pressure at age 3.

With healthy children's nutrition consults, we offer ideas for healthy alternatives and easy, realistic solutions such as:Healthy substitutions for that daily sugar fixStrategies to deal with that “picky eater”Tips to avoid those constant rounds of antibiotics and doctor’s visits. Alternatives to Mac & Cheese without having to re-stock the entire cupboard. Ways to maximize your child’s learning potential without drugsFrom the role of diet and nutrition to the toxins in our environment, we explore the little things we can do each day to enhance our kids’ health and improve their mental and physical performance.

Learn how to help your body deal and cope with stress.Soap Scum Challenge "Of Chemicals found in homes, 150 have been linked to allergies, birth defects, cancer and psychological abnormalities."-Consumer Product Safety Commisssion. Nine million U.S. children under 18 have been diagnosed with asthma.-source:Summary Health Statistics for U.S. Children: National Health interview survey, 2002. Series 10,Number 221.2004-1549

Join us to hear about safe solutions for you, your family, and your school or office.Help for the Hormonal Hostage is for women who because of hormonal fluctuations may be experiencing headaches, PMS symptoms, hot flashes, weight gain, moodiness, fatigue and cravings.


I am posting to make you aware of all the info on the Swine Flue and what should you do to protect you and your family. What should your decision be? If after reading this email from Dr. Channey you would like to talk how you can build your families immune system, just let me know.
To your health,
Nina Stapel
Blazing Radiance


The swine flu vaccine will be available soon and many of you are asking me three questions:Is it safe? Is it effective? Should I get swine flu shots?There is a lot of hype on both sides of the issue, so let me give you some straight talk about safety and effectiveness so that you can use to make up your own mind about whether you want to get a swine flu shot.Let's talk about safety first.You may have heard reports that both the British Health Protection Agency and the US Centers For Disease control have sent out letters to neurologists inBritain and the US asking them to look out for an increase in a brain disorder called Guillian-Barre Syndrome - and to notify their respective governmentsof all cases of this disease that they diagnose in patients that have received the swine flu shot.Just in case you are not intimately acquainted with Guillian-Barre Syndrome, it is a disease that attacks the lining of the nerves, leaving them unable to transmit signals to the muscles. This can cause partial paralysis and, if it affects the lungs, can be fatal.Now that sounds downright scary. But let me tell you the rest of the story.The concern of the British and US governments is based solely on the fact that a similar swine flu vaccine killed more people than it helped in the US in 1976.Shortly after swine flu vaccinations started in 1976 people started coming down with Guillian-Barre Syndrome. By the time vaccinations were halted 10 weekslatter, 500 people had developed the disease and 25 people had died - more than were killed by the virus itself.It was estimated that one in 80,000 people who were given that swine flu shot developed Guillian-Barre Syndrome, compared to the one in a million who develop the disease when given most seasonal flu shots.However, I want to emphasize that there is no direct evidence that the current swine flu shot increases the risk of Guillian-Barre Syndrome more than the regular seasonal flu shots. The British and US governments simply view their warning letters to neurologists as a reasonable precaution under the circumstances.In short, the risk of developing Guillian-Barre Syndrome or some other serious complication (miscarriages and sudden death are the other complications of most flu vaccines) from the swine flu shot is probably very, very small. It may be no greater than the one in a million chance of developing the disease that is associated with most flu vaccines – but it is not zero.Now let's turn to the issue of effectiveness. There are several things that you should know about the effectiveness of the swine flu shot.In the first place, there has been an active debate in the scientific community as to whether one shot or two shots will be required to give adequate protectionagainst the swine flu.Some scientists still think that two shots would be the better option. However, stocks of swine flu vaccine are limited so the recommendation is probably going to be for one shot so that as many people can be immunized as possible.Secondly, you should know that the swine flu vaccine offers no protection against the seasonal flu and vice versa. Since both strains of flu will be around this fall & winter you need to be vaccinated against both if you really want to avoid the flu.Finally, there is an interesting age distribution in regard to the susceptibility to the swine flu. It turns out that it is the young people who are most susceptible to the swine flu.Those of us who are over 50 were past, so we have some residual immunity.That's important because it turns out that the swine flu virus is no more deadly than the usual seasonal flu virus. What that means is that the age group that ismost susceptible to the swine flu is also the age group for which the swine flu is most likely to be merely a 3 to 5 day inconvenience.The bottom line is that most immunizations make great sense from a public health perspective and for high risk individuals, which is why they are so stronglysupported by the medical community.However, for healthy individuals with strong immune systems and no pre-existing diseases the risk-benefit ratios are a not so clear cut. Sometimes the risks can outweigh the benefits.That brings me to the last question - should you get a swine flu shot?If you are a healthy individual that is a very personal decision, and I won't presume to make it for you. I've just given you some facts that you may not have known about to ponder as you make that decision.For people who are at risk for developing severe complications from the swine flu itself (young children, pregnant women, the elderly, people with compromised immune systems, and people with pre-existing diseases like diabetes) this is a decision that you should make in consultation with your physician.

To your health!
Dr. Stephen Chaney, PhD,
Shaklee Master Coordinator

P. S. I have personally never taken a flu shot. Iprefer to use a holistic approach, including theShaklee supplements, to strengthen my immune system. Myrecommendations are summarized in my latest CD "Tune-UpYour Immune System", which will be available soon